For decades, the goal of the field of immunology has been to delineate detailed pictures of the processes involved in humoral- and cell-mediated immunity. Recently, a new field of study has emerged; this is the field of Systems Immunology, which incorporates all the various components of immunity fused into a comprehensible entity.

As clinicians, we begin with patient stories then utilize laboratory evidence to understand pathophysiology, root causes of illness and develop a treatment strategy. However, the treatment plan is incomplete without a deep understanding of the immune dysregulation. Kelly McCann, MD, MPH will share 3 cases of complex chronic illness: Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Long Haul Covid and Chronic Pain. Aristo Vojdani PhD, MSc, CLS will implement Systems Immunology to provide immunologic strategies. Fundamental to the Systems Immunology approach is the integration of these different kinds of immunological measurements (antibodies and lymphocytes) that quantitatively describe the immune response following exposure to environmental factors (food, toxic chemicals, pathogens). It is a powerful way to understand the immune system, especially within the context of complex chronic illness.


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