Over the past three decades we have witnessed an exponential increase in both the adverse metabolic impact of obesity and the exposure and accumulation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), toxic metals, and endotoxicity. These problems couple together to create what has been termed a “syndemic” where two or more factors intersect to multiple the adverse impact on health outcomes. This course will focus on both the personalized assessment of factors that contribute to this syndemic that has been identified to be a major contributor to metabolic syndrome, cognitive decline, cardiovascular disorders, autoimmunity, and a reduction in immune resilience. The faculty is composed of Peter Kozlowski, MD who will provide the five tools for biodetoxification that he hes found in his practice to result in outstanding clinical outcomes in patients suffering from this syndemic, and Carrie Jones, ND who will share her expertise on the methods of assessment and management of the endocrinological impacts of this syndemic. This is a 2-hour virtual Personalized Lifestyle Medicine education program that every clinician will come away with valuable “clinical pearls” describing advances in the management of these complex patients.

Jeff Bland, PhD
Carrie Jones, ND, FABNE, MPH
Peter Kozlowski


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