Diving Deep into Gut, Brain, and Immune-related dysfunction using the Cyrex Array 2 Intestinal Antigenic Permeability Screen
One of the body’s most essential defense barriers is the intestinal barrier. When this barrier becomes permeated, the body often develops autoimmunity. Intestinal permeability can thus be a factor in various diseases, from food sensitivity to dermatologic conditions. For patients with multiple symptoms or a known autoimmune disease, analyzing intestinal permeability is an important step in disease diagnosis and treatment.
The Cyrex Array 2 is a great test for patients with multiple symptoms, autoimmune diseases, or food sensitivities/intolerances. It provides important information about the integrity of the intestinal barrier and helps you determine if intestinal permeability is playing a role in the patient’s disease. Join us as we dive deep into the Immune connection, toxins, Food Immune Reactivity, and much more. This includes six Live Classes with Dr. Jeffery Bland, Dr. Elroy Vojdani, & Dr. Aristo Vojdani.
Jeff Bland, PhDFunctional Medicine Founder and Pioneer
Dr. Jeffrey Bland is a personable and highly respected thought leader who has spent more than four decades focused on the improvement of human health.
He is known worldwide as the founder of the Functional Medicine movement, which represents his vision for a care model that is grounded in systems biology and informed by research that he has a unique ability to synthesize. His pioneering work has created the Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute (PLMI), as well as the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM), the global leader in Functional Medicine education. Since 1991, hundreds of thousands of healthcare practitioners have participated in PLMI and IFM programs, and this collective knowledge has positively impacted the lives of patients all over the world. -
Elroy Vojdani, MDFunctional and Predictive Immune Testing Authority
Dr. Elroy Vojdani is the founder of Regenera Medical, a boutique Functional Medicine practice in Los Angeles, California.
Upon graduating medical school from the University of Southern California and completing his residency at USC Keck School of Medicine, Dr. V began his career as an Interventional Radiologist, diagnosing and treating complex, late-stage cancers and other extremely debilitating diseases. While this experience gave him unique insights into hospital based medicine, his desire to stop disease before it reached the point of becoming a chronic illness remained at the core of his desire to practice medicine. Today, he continues in his father’s footsteps – pioneering to find answers to medical conditions that go undiagnosed and untreated.
Dr. Vojdani has co-authored over 20 articles in the Scientific literature and continues an integral role in research related to Autoimmune, Neurodegenerative, and Autoinflammatory conditions. He is also the co-Author a medical textbook entitled “Food Associated Autoimmunity”.
Aristo Vojdani, PhDWorld Leader in Immunology Research
Aristo Vojdani obtained his BSc, MSc and PhD in microbiology and clinical immunology from Bar-Ilan University, Israel, with postdoctoral studies in comparative immunology at UCLA and tumor immunology at Charles Drew/UCLA School of Medicine and Science. He is a Clinical Professor at Loma Linda University in California, and an Adjunct Professor at the Lincoln College of Professional, Graduate and Continuing Education at the National University of Health Sciences. His ongoing research focuses on the role of environmental triggers in complex diseases, and he has developed more than 300 antibody assays for the detection of autoimmune disorders and other diseases. He has 17 US patents, over 200 articles, and 2 books, “Neuroimmunity and the Brain-Gut Connection” and “Food-Associated Autoimmunities: When Food Breaks Your Immune System,” to his name. He is the CEO of Immunosciences Lab in Los Angeles, California, the Chief Scientific Advisor for Cyrex Labs in Phoenix, Arizona, and sits on the editorial board of 5 scientific journals. His many awards include the Herbert J. Rinkel Award (American Academy of Environmental Medicine), the Linus Pauling, PhD Award (American College for Advancement in Medicine), and the Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute Lifetime Achievement Award.