A woman’s life cycle is dynamic in multiple realms: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Part of this flux is due to the waxing and waning of different hormones from the psychoneuroendocrine circuit, which includes the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, and ovarian (HPTAO) axis. Women are becoming increasingly aware of the intricacies of the monthly menstrual cycle and the impact of their reproductive hormones from fertility to menopause. Within each decade, there are different laboratory metrics and markers to track, along with changing life priorities, whether enhancing fertility, feeling emotionally balanced, keeping skin youthful, building healthy bones, or even redefining purpose and meaning.

In this webinar, an understanding of the metrics of a woman’s hormones will be brought together with optimizing those hormones through clinically-tested, well-defined phenotypes from maca (Lepidium peruvianum) in a product delivery system known as Femmenessence. There will be a detailed discussion on Mira’s unique ability to monitor multiple key hormones, including estradiol, progesterone, FSH, and LH, to provide a detailed and personalized overview of one’s hormone patterns enabling women to become informed about their hormonal fluxes. Through patient case reports we will showcase the two-fold benefits of empowering women to better understand their hormones and enabling providers to optimize therapeutic strategies.

Following this discussion, the latest clinical research to show how not all maca is created equal will be highlighted, along with what most people do not realize: there are 17 phenotypes with different functions. Different types of maca, which correspond to color, can give different results. To date, the only published clinical research on any form of maca demonstrating statistically significant effects on hormones such as estradiol and progesterone in peri- and postmenopausal women has been Maca-GO® (Femmenessence®), which uses a concentrated, bioavailable specific phenotype ratio to support the HPATO axis. An overview of this published research, including case reports, will be reviewed, along with how to use different Femmenessence products for women at various stages of life for best results on hormone health.


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